Fasting in the month of Sya Ban how many days

Fasting in the month of Sya Ban how many days – Rajab will occur while Shaaban will appear in 1444 AH. May Allah give us a chance to face Ramadan.

Find out more about the virtues of this month and the date of the night of Nisfu Sha’ban in 2023 which coincides with 1444H.

Fasting in the month of Sya Ban how many days

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Nisfu Syaban Night 2022 Falls On What Date?

“O Rasulullah SAW, I have never seen you fasting in another month as you (often) fast in the month of Shaban.

His Majesty said: This month is a time of human weakness, which falls between Rajab and Ramadan. This is the month to elevate deeds to God, the Ruler of the universe. I like that my practice improves when I fast.”

Meaning: “Allah SWT sees His creatures on the middle night of Sha’ban and then forgives all of His creatures except those who are polytheists and those who are hostile.” [Sahih Ibnu Hibban, No. Hadits 5665]

Let’s all increase these prayers in the months of Rajab and Shaban, may Allah swt give us strength and restore our understanding to be more active in worship later in the month of Ramadan which will soon arrive in Shaa Allah.

Nisfu Shaban Night 2023 What Date? Check out the information here

It means: “O Allah, You blessed us in the months of Rajab and Sha’ban and You blessed us and saved us in the month of Ramadan.”

Meaning: “O Allah, give me peace until the coming of Ramadan, give me the peace of Ramadan and accept it from me (worship in the month of Ramadan).”

Also ask Allah swt to give us good and continuous health so that we can worship Allah at all times, especially during the month of Ramadan in perfect condition and accepted by Allah swt.

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Sundanese Friday Khutbah Material About Ramadan Fasting, For Reference for Preachers

Imam ash-Shafii said: Prayer is efficacious at five nights; Friday night, Eid al-Adha, Eid al-Fitr, the first night of Rajab and midnight / Nisfu Sha’ban.” This year, Nisfu Shaban 2022 falls on Friday 18 March 2022. However, Muslims can take Nisfu Shaban as early as possible. as Celebrate Thursday (17/03/2022) after the Maghrib prayer, because in the lunar calendar the counting of days begins on the night after Maghrib.

It is mentioned in the hadiths that on the night of Nisfu Shaban, Allah SWT will forgive the sins of His servants who ask forgiveness, report annual alms and distribute food.

On this night, Muslims are encouraged to do good deeds such as reading Surat Yasin, performing absolute sunnah prayers, praying and fasting half of Shaban the next day.

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When is 1 Shaban? Here are the dates and priorities

From [Ali bin Abu Thalib] he said: “The Messenger of Allah, may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “When the night is in the middle of Sha’ban (the middle of the month of Sha’ban), then pray the night and fast during the day. Indeed, Allah descends to the heavens of the earth at the time the sun is about to set, then He says: “Is there anyone who asks My forgiveness, I forgive him? If someone asks for provisions, will I give them? Is there someone who will be tested if I cure him? Is this and this… until dawn?

The hadith above is weak. Even so, Muslims can still fast Nisfu Sya’ban and absolute sunnah prayers. Dear readers, Muslims are advised to increase good deeds during the month of Sha’ban. Especially fasting which was exemplified by the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wasallam because the month of Sha’ban is his position as an introduction to entering the holy month of Ramadan. The question arises, is it permissible to fast completely in the month of Sha’ban? Let’s look at the explanation of the following Ahlusunnah scholars.

Fasting in the month of Sya Ban how many days

“I have never seen the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam fasting a full month except in the month of Ramadan, and I have seen him fasting mostly (sunnah) in the month of Sha’ban.”

Is it permissible to fast on Thursday in the month of Shaban? Listen Here!

“The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, never fasted longer than Sha’ban in any month. Because he used to fast throughout the month of Sha’ban.”

اكْرَ مِ صِامِِ Shann, كann

“I have never seen him (Rasulullah) fast longer than the month of Sha’ban in a month. He used to fast throughout the month of Sha’ban, (i.e. the month of Sha’ban except for a few days (which he did not fast).”

“In Arabic, it is permissible for a person who fasts most of the days of a particular month to say: ‘This person has fasted the whole month (full/kulluhu)’”6

The Virtue of Nisfu Sya’ban Night, Counting the Days to Welcoming the Month of Ramadan 1443h

Regarding the history of prohibiting fasting in the middle or at the end of the month of Sha’ban, the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said:


“None of you precedes the month of Ramadan by fasting one or two days (before entering Ramadan), except those who are used to fasting, then he may fast on that day.”

Fasting in the month of Sya Ban how many days

“There is no contradiction between this hadith and the hadith that has been discussed regarding the prohibition of fasting one or two days before Ramadan and the prohibition of fasting Sha’ban in the middle of last month. The two narrations above clearly can be compromised, namely the prohibition applies to people who are not used to fasting before entering these days.

Shaban Fasting: Listen to the Law, Read the Intentions and Procedures

According to Imam al-Hafizh Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani, a more precise wisdom refers to the Sha’ban fast that was practiced by the Prophet SAW, as narrated by Usamah bin Zaid’s companions, May, so that God would be pleased with him. He says,

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He replied: ‘(Sha’ban) between Rajab and Ramadan is a month that is neglected by humans, even though in this month the deeds are raised to the Lord of the Worlds. And I want my deeds to be canceled when I fast.

“The lesson (fasting Sha’ban) is like the introduction to the month of Ramadan, like the introduction to the sunnah prayers, namely the obligatory prayer.”

Night of Nisfu Shaban 2023 What day and what date? These are prayer readings, intentions and procedures for fasting

So the conclusion that can be drawn from the information above is that the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam never fasted a full month except in the month of Ramadan. As for the month of Sha’ban it is recommended to increase the sunnah fasting in that month. Hope it is useful. God bless you. REI-LTC/IW The month of Ramadan is approaching. The faithful began to prepare to welcome him. They expect great rewards in it. Because of their enthusiasm, some people continue to fast in the months of Rajab and Sha’ban, and even continue to do so by continuing to fast in the month of Ramadan so far. Is it obligatory in Islam?

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“In the past the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam often fasted until we said: ‘He never breaks his fast (stops fasting).’ And also did not fast long, until we said: “He never fasted.” I have never seen the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam complete his fast for a whole month except in the month of Ramadan. I have never seen him fasting in it (compared to) the month of Sha’ban. ” (Muttafaqun ‘alaihi)

Fasting in the month of Sya Ban how many days

It turns out that this is the testimony of the Prophet’s wife, may Allah bless her and give her peace. And the best example is Rasulullah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace.

Reading Yasin’s Surat Malam Nisfu Syaban 3 times and its virtues

May God bless him and give him peace. And

“The Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam never fasted for a whole month except during the month of Ramadan. He often fasted, to the point that some say, “No, by Allah he never breaks his fast.” And he also did not fast for long, until someone said, “No, by Allah, he never fasted.” (Muttafaqun ‘alaihi).

It turned out that this did not apply to the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam who fasted a full month in the month of Rajab as well as in the month of Sha’ban.

The practice of one friend is not valid. Only in Ramadan does he fast for the whole month.

Nisfu Syaaban 2023

Therefore Tathawwu’ fasting or sunnah fasting for a full month which is done in the month of Rajab or Sha’ban is not in accordance with the guidance and sunnah of the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam in the implementation of fasting. So the practice is a new practice. While the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam said:

“Anyone who makes new things in our business that don’t belong will be rejected.” (Muttafaqun ‘alaihi) The month of Sha’ban is the month before the beginning of the month of Ramadan. This month there are suggestions for worship, one of which is fasting.

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Fasting in the month of Sya Ban how many days

There is a day full of meaning and many virtues called Nisfu Syaban Night. So when do we start fasting and what is the intention of fasting this month of Sha’ban?

Nisfu Sha’ban Night, Read the following tasbih of the Prophet Yunus

The month of Shaban is full of meaning and very special for Muslims. The month of Shaban is also believed to be a day full of blessings and mercy from Allah SWT.

Quoted from various sources, the month of Shaban is indeed very special. One of the features of the month of Shaban is that the angels give a record of human deeds to SWT to Raqib and Atid Allah.

Meaning: “Never did the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam fast more than a month

I intend to fast, how many days I’m fasting sunnah, I’m fasting, I’m fasting prayer, when I’m fasting, I understand fasting, I’m fasting, the benefits of fasting in this month, sunnah fasting in this month, how many days I’m fasting , I’m fasting month, I’m fasting, I’m fasting, I’m fasting for how many days

By Putra

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