Multivitamins for 1st Trimester Pregnant Women

Multivitamins for 1st Trimester Pregnant Women – Home › All Products › Mother & Baby › Vitamin Folamil Genio – 30 Capsules – Supplement for Pregnant Women

Vitamin Folamil Genio is a multivitamin and mineral supplement containing DHA. The benefits of Vitamin Folamil Genio are in meeting the nutritional needs of the brains of pregnant and lactating women. Folamil Genio contains B complex vitamins, vitamin D3 and vitamin E as well as minerals which are good for the development of the baby’s brain and the health of the nerves, muscles and bones of women during pregnancy.

Multivitamins for 1st Trimester Pregnant Women

Folic Acid 1 mg, Beta-Carotene 10,000 IU, Vitamin B1 3 mg, Vitamin B2 3.4 mg, Nicotinamide 20 mg, Vitamin B6 2 mg, Pantothenic Ca 7.5 mg, Calcium Carbonate 100 mg, Vitamin B12 4, 300 mg Vitamin D 3000 mg, Vitamin D 3000 mg Vitamin D 3000 g, Vitamin D copper gluconate 0.1 mg, Fe polymaltose complex (IPC) 30 mg, DHA from algae 40 mg, Arachidonic acid 8 mg.

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During pregnancy, women need adequate nutrition to maintain health and benefit the growth and development of the fetus in the womb.

Folamil Genio contains B complex vitamins, D3, E, K1 as well as minerals such as calcium and copper in capsule form that are practical and easy to consume. The function of Folamil Genio is to meet the nutritional needs of the brains of pregnant and lactating women, as well as provide essential nutrients for the health of the fetus.

Folamil Genio can be consumed with or without a prescription and according to the recommended dosage. Here’s how to consume food and vitamins:

This drug should not be used with other drugs to avoid drug interactions. This drug should not be used with drugs such as:

Don’t Get Wrong, Here’s The Calorie Needs Of Pregnant Women Based On Their Trimesters!

If you need to take this medicine with other medicines, consult your doctor about which medicine and which Mg Tablets to take.

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Pregnant women who experience nausea are advised to consume vitamin B6 because it can relieve nausea and help the body’s metabolism in pregnant women. In addition, vitamin D is also important because it supports the absorption of calcium for proper bone formation in children.

Folic acid or vitamin B9 is a substance that is important for fetal brain development. Pregnant women need this ingredient during their pregnancy. Mothers can find folic acid content in foods such as mackerel, green vegetables, fruits, nuts and milk.

Folic acid helps prevent miscarriage in the first trimester. Entering the second trimester, folic acid plays a role in reducing the risk of premature birth and preeclampsia in pregnant women.

Iron is an important substance for the formation of hemoglobin or Hb. Pregnant women need at least 27 mg of iron per day. Iron deficiency can cause anemia. In addition, iron deficiency can put babies at risk of being born with low birth weight (LBW).

Vitamin Folamil Genio

Calcium is essential for the formation and development of the teeth, muscles and bones of the fetus. In addition, calcium can also reduce the risk of pre-eclampsia in pregnant women.

Pregnant women need at least 1,000 mg of calcium per day. If the calcium needs of pregnant women are not met, the mother is more likely to develop osteoporosis and the fetus will take calcium deposits from the mother’s bones.

DHA is an omega-3 fatty acid found in fish oil. These fatty acids support the development of the baby’s organs, including the development of the fetal brain.

Multivitamins for 1st Trimester Pregnant Women

Pregnant women can get enough nutrition through food. However, it cannot be denied that pregnant women often cannot maintain a stable daily nutritional intake, so pregnant women need supplements for their baby’s brain.

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Blackmores Pregnancy & Breastfeeding Gold is a baby brain supplement for pregnant women, because it contains B6 and folic acid which can meet the nutritional needs of pregnant women. In addition, this supplement also contains iron fumarate which can prevent constipation. Iodine content also meets the needs of mothers and fetuses who lack iodine from food.

Proper intake will ensure the growth of the fetus. Folamil Genio contains DHA and ARA to support the development of fetal organs. Besides that, content

Serves as a blood booster for pregnant women who suffer from anemia. This supplement for pregnant women can be consumed by mothers during pregnancy.

Alcana can also be an appetite suppressant and help develop the muscles and bones of the fetus, even while still in the womb. For pregnant women, this supplement can be taken after eating to avoid heartburn.

Good Vitamins For Pregnant Women And Fetal Development

Another supplement for pregnant women that can be consumed is Natavit. This pill-shaped supplement contains folic acid, vitamin B complex and DHA which can maintain the health of the fetus and help develop its brain.

Osfit DHA is also a supplement for pregnant women for fetal brain development in early pregnancy. Osfit DHA contains vitamin D3, calcium and tuna fat.

You can take this supplement for pregnant women even when you and your husband want to get pregnant. By consuming this supplement, it is hoped that the baby’s nutritional needs will be met from the start until their growth and development are going well.

Multivitamins for 1st Trimester Pregnant Women

Gold Pregnancy Plus has a herbal vanilla aroma and taste that helps pregnant women who are nauseous.

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Those are 6 recommendations for supplements for pregnant women that you can choose as a supplement during pregnancy. Don’t forget to consult your doctor about its use, the body’s nutritional needs increase during pregnancy. Therefore, doctors usually recommend taking additional vitamins. Well, pregnant women can consume lots of vitamins that are good for pregnant women, of course with the doctor’s approval.

This vitamin for pregnant women on average contains folic acid (vitamin B9) which is very important for fetal development. In addition, mothers must also meet the needs of calcium and iron.

Ferrospat is an iron and folic acid supplement available in tablet form. This supplement also contains other ingredients such as vitamin B12, vitamin C and many other important minerals.

The dose of vitamins for pregnant women is once a day. However, it is recommended to follow the doctor’s advice.

Tips for Choosing Good Vitamins for Pregnant Women

Another good vitamin for pregnant women is form. This supplement is available in capsule form and can be consumed to help meet the needs of vitamins and minerals during pregnancy.

The form contains beta carotene, calcium, copper, folic acid, iron, nicotinamide, potassium, sodium, group B vitamins, vitamin C and vitamin D.

You can eat it with or without food first. However, for more effective absorption, it is recommended to take Formom with food. It is also possible to prevent unwanted effects in the form of disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract.

Multivitamins for 1st Trimester Pregnant Women

Prohelic contains various important components for the health of pregnant women and fetal development, such as iron, folic acid, vitamin B1, vitamin B6, vitamin B12 and fish oil.

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When consumed regularly, this vitamin for pregnant women is believed to help prevent anemia, provide extra nutrition to the fetus, and increase endurance.

Blackmores Pregnancy & Breast Feeding Gold is a vitamin for pregnant and lactating women which contains 17 essential nutrients including folic acid, DHA, calcium and others.

Regular use of this supplement from pregnancy to breastfeeding is believed to be able to optimize the golden period of baby development, namely the first 1000 days of a baby.

Meanwhile, the content of calcium and vitamin D in Folamil Genio is very important for the formation of fetal bones and prevents the loss of calcium deposits in the body of pregnant women.

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Pregnant women will distribute calcium in their bones to the fetus, so that the need for this nutrient will increase.

Nature’s Plus Prenatal contains iodine which has many benefits for the health of the mother and fetus, such as reducing the risk of miscarriage, developmental disorders, mental disorders and deafness.

Apart from iodine, this vitamin for pregnant women also contains many other vitamins and minerals needed during pregnancy, such as vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin D, folate and calcium.

Multivitamins for 1st Trimester Pregnant Women

DHA is a very important nutrient to support the development of the baby’s brain, especially in the first 1,000 days of life, which starts in the womb.

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Not only that, DHA increases tolerance, reduces the risk of asthma in children and is also good for the eyes.

In pregnant women, DHA can reduce the risk of preeclampsia, a condition characterized by high blood pressure that can threaten the life of the mother and fetus.

Nutrimama is a vitamin for pregnant women that can meet the needs of vitamins and minerals during pregnancy, prevent birth defects in the baby’s brain, improve fetal brain function and maintain the health of pregnant women in the first trimester.

Neurodex is a supplement containing vitamins B1, B6 and B12. The main function of this supplement is to help relieve nervous disorders.

Safeni Feni’s Blog: Pregnant Women’s Vitamins

For pregnant women, this supplement can also be consumed to reduce the frequency of vomiting in the early trimester of pregnancy. Consult your doctor before consuming.

Etabion can be used as a vitamin supplement for pregnant women because it contains iron which can prevent anemia.

Therefore, pregnant women need more iron so that the body can produce enough red blood cells.

Multivitamins for 1st Trimester Pregnant Women

Elkana is a good multivitamin supplement for pregnant women because it contains vitamin A, B vitamins, vitamin B12, vitamin D3 and other important minerals needed to maintain the health of the mother and fetus.

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For pregnant women, this vitamin is said to be useful for increasing the mother’s appetite and supporting growth

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By Putra

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